Love, “singeleza” and duration: on a poem of Peter Handke

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Laura Moosburger


This paper explores, in the Poem to Duration [Gedicht an die Dauer] by Peter Handke, the essential relation between love and singularity in the horizon of duration – chosen by the poet in reference to Bergson’s philosophy –, and tries to show how the experience of love, inextricable of the singularity that is the mark of duration, of time unavoidably lived, is an experience of “singeleza” – Portuguese word which, as we understand it here, points to a poetic sensibility invested of  such a tenderness capable of capturing the irreductible singular, fragile, fleeting, personal and intimate.

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Author Biography

Laura Moosburger, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

She holds a bachelor's degree (2005) and a master's degree (2007) in Philosophy from the Federal University of Paraná, and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo (2019), with a FAPESP scholarship. He has experience in philosophy, especially modern and contemporary philosophy, philosophies of existence, ethics, aesthetics and literature, interdisciplinary studies in philosophy and the human sciences.


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PESSOA, Fernando. Poesia completa de Alberto Caeiro. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2005.