Iniciação, ritual e experiência nos Mistérios Eleusinos e no Banquete de Platão: uma análise preliminar

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Gabriele Cornelli
Andre da Paz


Neste artigo formulamos algumas questões preliminares sobre iniciação nos Mistérios Eleusinos e sobre iniciação no Banquete de Platão, tendo como base a ideia de transposição, na tentativa de identificar alguns elementos dos Mistérios Eleusinos supostamente transpostos no diálogo entre as personagens do ‘jovem Sócrates’ e da sacerdotisa Diotima. Assim, nosso artigo está dividido em duas partes centrais: na primeira, a mais longa, analisamos o que poderia ter sido a iniciação nos Mistérios Eleusinos, tendo como objetivo uma melhor compreensão da iniciação Eleusina e qual elemento central dessa iniciação poderia ser interpretado como transposto para a iniciação do ‘jovem Sócrates’; na segunda nos centramos no Banquete de Platão, para tentar sugerir indícios de motes dos Mistérios Eleusinos, centrados especificamente na transposição da ‘visão’, para formular a hipótese de que podemos sugerir indícios de transposições feitas por Platão a partir dos Mistérios Eleusinos. Em suma, neste artigo centramo-nos sobretudo na transposição da visão supostamente construídas por Platão a partir dos Mistérios Eleusinos no diálogo entre o ‘jovem Sócrates’ e Diotima.

Detalhes do artigo

Biografia do Autor

Gabriele Cornelli, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Is Professor of Ancient Philosophy (Associate IV) in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Brasília (UnB). He has a post-doctorate in Ancient Philosophy from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), the Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II (Italy), and the University of Oxford (UK). He was a Beaufort Visiting Scholar at St. Johns College and the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge (UK) and Visiting Professor at the Philosophy Department of Sichuan University (Chengdu, China). He was Coordinator of the Master's and Doctorate Program in Metaphysics and Advisor of the Master's and Doctorate in Bioethics at UnB. He was also the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Philosophy and the Graduate Program in Bioethics at the same university, as well as of the Center for Classical Studies (NEC). He was coordinator of the ANPOF Plato and Platonism WG (2008-14). Editor of the journal Archai (, the journal Atlantís ( and the Plato Journal ( He directs the UNESCO Chair Archai: the Origins of Western Thought ( He is Editor of the Archai collection (Annablume/Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra), the Cátedra collection (Paulus), the Filosofia e Tradição collection (UNESCO Brazil) and the prestigious Brills Plato Studies Series collection (Brill). He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Classica Digitalia collection (Coimbra University Press), the collection "Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico. Studi e testi", a collection founded by Giovanni Reale (Ed. Vita e Pensiero, Milano) and the journal Méthexis (Brill). He was President of the Brazilian Society of Classical Studies (2012-13) and of the Brazilian Society of Platonists (2008-2010). He is also an honorary member of the Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia Antica (2013-), a founding member of the International Association for Presocratic Studies and was President of the International Plato Society (2013-2016 - He is supervisor of the PhDs in Philosophy and Classical Studies at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Ancient Studies at the University of Stellebosch (South Africa). His latest book, In Search of Pythagoreanism, was published by De Gruyter (Boston/Berlin, 2013). Abilitazione Nazionale Italiana (Settore 11/C5 - Storia della Filosofia) per la Prima Fascia (Qualified as Full Professor in History of Philosophy, 2019). Aggregation Degree in Classical Studies awarded by the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2020. He is a representative of the Philosophy area in the Special Advisory Group of the International Directorate of CAPES/MEC (2017- ) and a member of the Editorial Board of Revista Darcy (UnB).

Andre da Paz, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

PhD student (CAPES, 2020-) and Master's student (CAPES, 2019) in the Postgraduate Program in Metaphysics at the University of Brasília. Graduated in History (2013) from the University Center of the United Metropolitan Faculties. Researcher at the Unesco Archai Chair on the Plural Origins of Western Thought (2017-), Reviewer at the Archai Journal (2017-) and Researcher at the Delphos Research Group on Philosophy and Religion in Ancient Greece (2015-). Co-author of the chapter "Bioethics, Philosophy and Biotechnology" (LiberArs, 2018). Reviewed, in partnership with Prof. Dr. Ália Rodrigues (University of Coimbra, UCL London), the compendium book "Plato" (Coimbra University Press, 2018). Author of the chapter "Philosophy and Religion in Ancient Greece" (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, in press). Translated the chapter "What is Synthetic Biology?" (Universidad de Concepción, 2016). In 2022 (Paulus Editora), under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Cornelli (University of Brasilia), he translated the book "Introduzione a Platone" (il Mulino, 2021), by Franco Ferrari (Università degli Studi di Pavia). In 2023, he translated the article by Douglas Cairns (University of Edinburgh), "Hybris, Ancient and Modern"; the article by David Torrijos-Castrillejo (Universidad San Dámaso) "Socrates y la divinidad providente"; as well as the chapter "Aristoteles: Is there a God?" by José Antonio García-Lorente (Universidad de Murcia). He has taken part in 28 academic events, organized 15 and presented 14 papers, available at Her interests lie in Classical Studies and translation. She researches the philosophy of Plato's Dialogues, working specifically with the dialogue Banquet. During her undergraduate studies, she researched the order of the speeches made by the characters in the Banquet ( Later, during her Master's degree, she immersed herself in the structure of the text of the Banquet, looking at the permanence and ruptures present in the multiple points of inflection between the speeches of each character ( She is currently working on a doctoral thesis on the initiation experience of the young Socrates with Diotima, based on an analysis of the terminology that considers possible approximations and distances between the initiation in the Platonic text and the initiation into the Eleusinian mysteries (


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